I’m Mariel, and I love to make.

Scratch that, I live to make. Seriously. I could’t stop creating if I tried! I can’t remember a time in my life where this wasn’t the case.

I feel so lucky to be able to make my living through a creative endeavour. I left my office job in 2017 for self employment as a photographer, first starting off with a wedding photography business that I still operate seasonally with my talented husband called Note Photography. Later on I launched my own photography brand, focused on commercial photography, Mariel Nelms Photography which keeps me busy and inspired to this day.

This blog is a creative personal endeavour for me, and is something I’ve always wanted to do - again. I actually ran a food blog when I was 18 years old and blogging was just starting to gain momentum, and I always wish I had kept it up over the years. But it’s never too late, and the fact that this is even more than a food blog has me feeling so excited for what I am able to share!

The overarching theme of everything I do is sustainable living. I’ve learned enough in my life so far that I realize how important it is for us to reduce our consumption and collective impact on the plant, and I am here to share how you can make sustainable and conscious choices and still live an incredibly full and beautiful life!

Follow along with my journey.