mental health Make with Mariel mental health Make with Mariel

Why I Make

I make, because I like to make. I make because there’s an insatiable desire within me to make…to make everything and anything I possibly can make with my own two hands.

For practical reasons, I make because I like to save money wherever I can, to be used on more fulfilling endeavours - like fun experiences and holidays with the people I love. I also make because I know that when I make something myself, that’s one less thing that needs to be made in a factory somewhere many miles from my home, and shipped half way around the world to arrive on my doorstep.

I don’t like to limit myself when it comes to what I choose to make. I let inspiration and my own curiosity guide me, always. I think that’s why this new blog has me so energized. It’s not just a food blog, it’s not just a home design blog, it’s not just a gardening blog…it’s everything, it’s just…me. It’s completely and wholly me, and the things that I choose to make. Having no set category to adhere to feels so freeing, and so exciting...

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Living intentionally is intrinsically connected to health and wellness in my opinion - whether it’s being intentional about how your home makes you feel, what food you’re putting in your body, or what hobbies or projects bring you fulfilment. This is a collection of activities and DIY home remedies I’ve come to rely on time and time again!

sustainable cleaners