Your Guide to Quitting Fast Fashion

Embrace sustainable style, love what you wear, and save yourself some money!

guide to quitting fast fashion and living the sustainable fashion life

Let’s go on a journey together!

Hello my thoughtful, eco-conscious, stylish friends! If you're reading this, chances are you're ready to make a positive change in the world of fashion. And let me tell you, you're in the right place!

Today, we're going to embark on a journey together—a journey towards quitting fast fashion and embracing a more sustainable approach to style that's not only good for the planet but also for your wardrobe and your wallet.

What is the true cost of fast fashion?

Now before we begin, I get it. The allure of fast fashion is undeniable. Trendy pieces at affordable prices, constantly changing styles—it's like a clothing lover's paradise, right? But here's the thing: the true cost of fast fashion goes far beyond what meets the eye.

From exploitative labor practices impacting real humans like you and me, to massive environmental impact both during production and after the clothes are manufactured, the dark side of the fashion industry is something we can no longer ignore.

In fact, it’s getting so bad, that fast fashion ads could soon be banned in France. A new bill seeks to ban fast fashion ads and impose penalties on low-cost clothing to account for it’s environmental impact. It will be debated by the Sustainable Development committee on 14 March, 2024, after which it could pass to the Senate. Source:

How Did I Quit Fast Fashion?

But fear not, my friend, because quitting fast fashion doesn't mean sacrificing style or fun! In fact, it's quite the opposite. By making more mindful choices about what we wear, we not only reduce our environmental footprint but also open ourselves up to a world of creativity, individuality, and yes, even better fabulous outfits.

This is a journey I began over a year ago now, after committing myself to a year of not purchasing any new clothing for 365 days. You can read about my challenge and what I learned during that year on my posts: A Year of Only Second Hand Clothing and What I Learned from Not Buying Any New Clothing for a Year.

To be completely dramatic, quitting fast fashion has changed my life. It has opened me up to embracing my uniqueness, being more creative and intentional with what I wear, and has allowed me to pay attention to when I feel my best (in certain types of fabrics, colours, or styles)!

Get ready for the compliments!

One of the most eye-opening, unexpected results of switching my wardrobe over to unique, thrifted items, is for the first time in my LIFE I receive compliments on my style and unique outfits almost every time I leave the house.

One jacket in particular that I found at the thrift store is a magnet for kind compliments from strangers! It’s so fun to have more interactions with those around me just because of what I’m wearing, and I love how the compliments I receive always open up a door for me to say “thanks so much, I found it at the thrift store” and carry on with a conversation about sustainable fashion if they seem interested. It’s really amazing.

My beloved wool apple coat, and my sweet cattle dog, Mowdy.

How to begin?

All of this said, though, quitting fast fashion doesn’t have to be quite so restricting, if you’re not into challenging yourself to a year of only buying second hand. I’ve put together some guidelines here for you that can work with whatever approach feels most comfortable to you in your own journey of saying goodbye to the world of fast fashion!

So without further ado, let's dive into the wonderful world of sustainable style!

  1. Educate Yourself:

    Knowledge is power, and the first step towards quitting fast fashion is understanding its impact. Take some time to research the environmental and social consequences of the fashion industry. Learn about sustainable materials, ethical production practices, and the concept of circular fashion. The more you know, the easier it will be to make informed choices.

    Some of my favourite resources for learning about the impacts of fast fashion are reputable non-profit organizations like: The David Suzuki Foundation, Fashion Revolution, re/make and news sources such as: CBC, and The New York Times.

    I read books from the library, like: The Climate Book by Greta Thunberg and The Conscious Closet by Elizabeth Cline.

    But the number one source that I connected with and learned so, so much from is the Clothes Horse Podcast and her website and instagram account.

    Taken from the Clothes Horse website: “The global fashion industry is worth about $2 trillion and it employs roughly 75 million people.  Yet few people know about its impact on the planet and the people. Clotheshorse is a podcast that decodes and demystifies the fashion industry, its secret language, hidden strategies, and so much more. It is hosted by Amanda Lee McCarty (she/they), a fashion professional who has worked in the buying department of some of (fast) fashion’s most iconic brands.  She–along with her industry friends–breaks down how our clothes are really made and sold and the work we have to do to change it. Clotheshorse is the podcast for people who love clothes but hate capitalism.”

    I HIGHLY recommend checking out Amanda’s podcast and instagram account if you’re even the tiniest bit curious about what’s happening in the fashion industry behind the scenes these days.

    You will be shocked…and angry, and sad, and furious, and inspired…to make some changes in your own habits!

  2. Shop Your Own Closet:

    Before you hit the stores (or online shops), take a good look at what you already own. You'd be surprised at how many hidden gems are hiding in your closet and drawers!

    Mix and match old favourites in new ways, experiment with different styling techniques, and get creative with remaking old clothes into something new (like chopping a dress into two to create a top and a skirt)! Remember, the most sustainable outfit is the one you already own.

  3. Quality Over Quantity:

    When it comes to building a sustainable wardrobe, quality should always trump quantity. Instead of buying cheap, disposable pieces that fall apart after a few wears, invest in well-made, timeless items that will last for years to come.

    Look for brands that prioritize craftsmanship, durability, and ethical production practices. This same practice can come in handy when shopping second hand, too! I’ve become really good at spotting well made clothing at the thrift store vs. items that are cheaply/quickly manufactured, and won’t stand up to regular wearing and washing.

  4. Support Sustainable Brands:

    Luckily, there's no shortage of fashion brands that are committed to sustainability and ethics. Do some research and seek out brands that align with your values and personal style.

    From eco-friendly materials to fair labor practices, there are plenty of options out there for every style and budget. And again, don't forget about second-hand and vintage shops—they're treasure troves of unique finds waiting to be discovered!

  5. Embrace Minimalism:

    In a world that's constantly telling us to buy more, more, more, embracing a minimalist approach to fashion can be incredibly liberating. Instead of chasing the latest trends, focus on building a curated wardrobe of versatile pieces that you truly love and wear regularly.

    Not only will this save you money, time and space, but it will also reduce your environmental impact. Embrace culling your wardrobe and letting go of pieces you just don’t reach for anymore, and save time and energy on the amount of laundry you’re doing!

  6. Get Creative:

    Sustainable fashion is all about thinking outside the box and getting creative with your style. Experiment with upcycling old clothes, DIY projects, and customizations. Turn that old pair of jeans into cute cutoff shorts, add patches or embroidery to plain tops, or swap clothes with friends for a fun wardrobe refresh without spending a dime.

    My favourite way to get creative with sustainable style is to browse the textile and linen aisle of the thrift shop! I have found so many incredible vintage cotton tablecloths and flat bedsheets which can be turned into the coolest, most unique shirts and dresses.

    Another awesome resource for making the ultimate home sewn clothing is the craft aisle at the thrift shop! There are always hundreds of old clothing patterns for cheap in this aisle, and I’ve come across some super cool, straight out of the 70’s vintage clothing patterns which I’ve turned into newly made clothes for myself and my kids! The possibilities are endless!

  7. Spread the Word:

    Finally, don't be afraid to share your journey towards sustainable style with others. You never know who you might inspire along the way. Whether it's through social media, blog posts, or simply talking to friends, colleagues and family, spreading awareness about the importance of ethical fashion can have a ripple effect.

    Who knows, you might just inspire someone else to join you on this exciting journey!

So there you have it, my friend—a beginner's guide to quitting fast fashion and embracing a more sustainable approach to style. Remember, it's not about being perfect, but rather making small, conscious choices that add up to make a big difference. So go ahead, have fun with fashion, express yourself boldly, and know that every outfit you choose has the power to change the world for the better. Here's to a more stylish, sustainable future!

Before you go, share your thoughts with me in the comments!

I really want my blog to feel like a community, for us to all share our ideas, tips and successes with living a more creative and sustainable life with each other! So tell me, did anything in this post inspire you? Or do you have your own methods for shopping more sustainably when it comes to clothing that you want to share? Let me know in the comments below! And as always, thank you SO much for being here with me and taking the time to read my thoughts!

Make with Mariel

I’m Mariel. I’m a professional photographer, and a passionate maker. I’m always working on something, and this is a collection of all the things I’ve made and learned that I think are worth sharing.

I love having a project on the go. I’m enthralled with: gardening and growing food, finding new and budget friendly ways to live sustainably, and working on our 90’s townhouse one project at a time. I’ve always loved to cook and bake, and these days, my recipes are geared towards what my kids will (sometimes) happily eat!